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sixthreezy readsies

sixthreezy's thoughts about books, comics, and the pictures on the pages.

Currently reading

Chimera: A Jim Chapel Mission
David Wellington
Changes (Dresden Files, Book 12)
Jim Butcher

Daze of Hate, Knights of Suffering (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Vol. 4)

Daze of Hate, Knights of Suffering - John Jackson Miller, Bong Dazo, Dustin Weaver These are getting harder and harder to read. Partly because there is entirely way too much writing for the little story that is contained within a volume. I don't care so much that I need the background to every star wars lore point mentioned all the way throughout. I get so much more from the other graphic novels I read when there's actually a good story and occasional lengthy dialogue. But I feel like all they do in these is fucking talk to everyone and I could really care less.. One more volume like this and I think I'm out.