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sixthreezy readsies

sixthreezy's thoughts about books, comics, and the pictures on the pages.

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Chimera: A Jim Chapel Mission
David Wellington
Changes (Dresden Files, Book 12)
Jim Butcher

X-O Manowar Volume 2: Enter Ninjak TP

X-O Manowar Vol. 2: Enter Ninjak - Robert Venditti I read the first volume of X-O Manowar right before I started reviewing books on here, but I looked it up on my Goodreads account to see what I had said about it to maybe flesh out my thoughts here. Unfortunately for you, and for me, all I had to say about X-O Manowar, Volume One: By The Sword was "Space and I just never get along..." with a 3-star rating. I have to say that I had forgetten that I didn't like the first volume so much, because this volume was really cool. I have been very pleased with the series coming from Valiant comics recently that we're getting in at my library. Stuff like Harbinger and Bloodshot have been awesome, and there's still a few more I haven't read the first volumes for. What these books have is really great action in terms of multiple panels without dialogue and fights that destroy faces and produce blood. I love some adult violence in my comic books from time to time, so it's really nice to see that with a simple enough story to get into. This volume was a little more entertaining than its predecessor and I think it was because there were enemies after the armor and main character, as opposed to the first one only being about the journey of our main character and the armor choosing him, along with his eventual escape. I'd recommend any of the Valiant comics to any readers of adult graphic novels, and X-O Manowar is probably the strongest entry for sci-fi/fantasy.

Originally posted at sixthreezy at the movies & more!