This volume of Bloodshot furthers the tie into Harbinger which makes me really happy and now I'm super excited for Harbinger Wars. Again our new dark hero Bloodshot dismantles his enemies piece by piece with a powerful body that's merely at half capacity for nearly the whole volume. I particularly love this series over the others in Valiant because it's a lot darker than the rest of them. It's a dark hero who reminds of someone like The Punisher or Deadpool. The fact that the story is tying into that of Harbinger and will likely turn into an insanely awesome crossover event, definitely makes it even cooler to me. Blood is in the title of the comic, and there is definitely no shortage of the real thing on the pages. Most of the comics on Valiant are somewhat violent, but this one is above and beyond the rest. I'm really loving all of these Valiant heroes and the more and more I read I'm discovering that they are all vital pieces to the Valiant universe and each plays their own role. One of the villains in this volume is called Gamma and it's not because of radiation, but she's like a giant grandma that feeds off the fears of children, in this case, psiot children. It's actually a pretty good villain and though it's a bit comical, I really enjoyed it. Any adult comic that can validate the existence of an evil grandma villain, has to be good. Also, the art again is absolutely phenomenal and draws one into the story so easily.
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