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sixthreezy readsies

sixthreezy's thoughts about books, comics, and the pictures on the pages.

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Chimera: A Jim Chapel Mission
David Wellington
Changes (Dresden Files, Book 12)
Jim Butcher

JLA, Vol. 3 Deluxe Edition

JLA, Vol. 3 Deluxe Edition - Grant Morrison While the writing of Grant Morrison is usually brilliant, I find myself struggling to keep it all straight. Morrison's writing is epic, in the sense that no one thing is left out. These JLA comics throw everything except the kitchen sink at you, and it's tough to sort it all out. I would assume that whatever drugs Morrison is using while writing, probably help to decipher the story here but I'm not all too sure that I should need that to understand this work. This volume in particular, more so than any I've read so far, really make me feel inferior as a comic book reader. There are so many characters, and so many dimensions to go along with that, that I find myself feeling like a novice reader. The art is great, and the story is there, but so often I come to the end of these JLA issues and while I'm lost for 20 pages, the last few in the issue always seem to sum things up so basically that I can kind of grasp what is going on. It's all here, but it takes some serious attention and thinking to get it all together in your own mind. I'd give this four stars easily, if I knew what the hell was going on most of the time.